Being a set up in itself, IT can only serve itself and keeps serving Christ, at best, a second priority.
IT, at best, ought to be no more than a community united by the common cause of Christ – the commonality between the members of which is defined by Christ alone, not added to or replaced by stipulations, dogma, order of service, administration and such. If these be, they must be representative and commemorative of Christ and are merely incidental. There ought to be no effort towards such institutionalisation of it primarily because the Institution already IS - Christ. Any other manner of bringing it about, especially efforts that constantly engage us with the working of the setup as a primary concern, will only cause it to be a setup that serves itself. This will cause IT not to have the time to serve Christ. Even if it does, it will make serving Christ, not the first priority when it should be the only priority. IT does not exist for its own accommodation. Its primary priority is to be the beacon of light that Christ is to the world around and a beacon of hope and encouragement to its own congregation, as well, as they walk in the Lord.
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